Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hair in the ear ( auricular hypertrichosis )

 Yes, I suffer from this absolutely normal physiological condition where one or several hairs sprout from ones ears. In my specific case, there is exactly one hair which sprouts from the top of my right ear lobe and stand out like the proverbial overachieving student in class found perennially with a raised hand and fore finger even before the teacher completes her question.

I do not really care about this from any aesthetic point of view. But it irks me at times, and I just yank it out whenever I remember to, about once every two months. I have no other hair from my ears, but as COVID has caused all of us to be very touchy feely with our ears what with having to repeatedly assault them with earphones for all those work Teams/slack/meet calls, the hair no longer goes under the radar and is evicted with extreme prejudice regularly.

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