Thursday, September 12, 2024

Facts- whether you like them or not

The morning shower tires you out more than it refreshes you

Putting on good work clothes isnt as much fun as it used to be

You have enough watches, but never enough time

When you sneeze, theres rarely anyone about to whisper a 'Bless you'

Men used to sweat and swear, they barely whimper anymore

The traffic is as bad as it used to be, only now you realise you are the traffic too

The mornings still start early, but the nights never used to end this soon  

The drive to work is long, but sometimes not long enough to be fun

The work is endless, hectic and tough, but not as much fun as you want it to be

The coffee is warm enough, but never strong enough

The dinner is fulfilling enough for the body, but rarely enough to satiate the soul

The memories of your friend are incredibly detailed, but still not as good as the real thing.

Song lyrics are still remembered, but rarely sung aloud anymore

The future is as bright as it used to be, but you need to wear sunglasses now.

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